Terms and Conditions

You must read the following service terms and conditions and understand the appropriate code of conduct before using this website for any reason. Infringement of these terms may be considered to be "copyright infringement," and responsible proceedings against offending parties may be taken by us.


We take plagiarism online very seriously. With the link-back to the original post at TeluguLogya, a short paragraph of content is acceptable. Don't simply link to the Home page, the initial article needs to be linked. You should stress that the content is based on TeluguLogya

If you are interested in referencing or reproducing things from this blog, please do not copy the whole of the post. 


The design, format and other graphic objects of this website shall be exclusively owned by an individual or by a third party and can not be reused or copied. Precisely, on your website or any of your digital resources, you can not use the same model. The design of a Website is copyright protected and may not be used on other Websites.

Non-commercial use: 

please contact us if you want the content to be used for other purposes. Only after sufficient permission from the blog editors, TeluguLogya posts can be reprinted.

Copyright Violation or misuse : 

We will file formal complaints to your marketing partners and the DMCA department of your web hosting company when we find a web site / blog that republishes our RSS feed or content illegally.

NOTE: This Policy may be updated at our sole discretion at any time and any changes made are immediately effective.